Common Electrical Problems in Older Homes and How to Fix Them

As homes age, their electrical systems may become outdated and struggle to cope with the demands of modern appliances and electronics. Older homes may come with a set of common electrical problems that require attention and expertise to ensure the safety and functionality of the property. Outdated wiring, insufficient outlets, and faulty circuit breakers are just a few of the challenges that homeowners may encounter.

Fixing electrical problems in older homes is a task that should not be taken lightly. It requires specialised knowledge and skills to ensure that the solutions implemented are both effective and safe.

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Common Electrical Problems

Damaged Wiring or Outdated Wiring Systems

One of the most prevalent electrical problems in older homes is damaged wiring or outdated wiring system. Many older properties were built using wiring methods that no longer meet modern safety standards. Over time, this wiring can deteriorate, leading to potential risks such as electrical fires and short circuits.

Insufficient Electrical Load

Another common electrical issue in older homes is insufficient electrical load. Many older homes were not designed to accommodate the electrical demands of modern appliances and devices. This can lead to frequent circuit breaker trips or blown fuses.

Non-Functioning Outlets or Switches

Over the years, outlets or switches may cease to function, either due to internal wiring issues or simply due to age. The internal components of these outlets or switches may wear out, causing intermittent or complete loss of functionality.

Inadequate Lighting

Older homes may have fewer light fixtures, and the existing ones may not provide sufficient illumination for the spaces. As lighting standards and technologies have advanced over the years, what might have been considered adequate lighting when the house was built may now fall short of the illumination levels expected in contemporary homes.

Outdated Electrical Panel

Older homes often have outdated circuit breaker panels that may not effectively handle the electrical demands of modern appliances and electronics. These panels may not meet the electrical demands of modern households. Frequent tripping of circuit breakers, flickering lights, or appliances not receiving sufficient power are indicators of a faulty electrical panel.

Absence of Grounded Outlets

Many older homes lack the three-prong, grounded outlets that are standard in newer buildings, especially in properties with outdated electrical systems. This can lead to safety risks, as grounded outlets help to prevent electrical shocks. 

Lack of Electrical Safety Devices

Modern homes are equipped with safety devices such as ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) and arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs). These are often absent in older homes, increasing the risk of electrical shocks and fires.

Old or Damaged Fuse Boxes

In some older homes, old-style fuse boxes are still in use. Unlike a modern circuit breaker, an old fuse box relies on fuses to protect electrical circuits. These systems were not designed to accommodate the electrical demands of modern households, posing a potential fire hazard.

electrician fixing electrical problems in old homes

Resolving Electrical Problems in Older Homes

Addressing common electrical problems in older homes can be challenging due to the complexities involved. However, here is a general guide to help you approach these issues:

Upgrading the Electrical Wiring

Old and worn-out wires can lead to several problems, such as short circuits and potential socket damage due to overheating. To prevent these issues, it is necessary to check the wiring system in your home regularly and replace damaged or outdated wires. Depending on the situation, partial or complete rewiring may be necessary. Upgrading to modern wiring not only ensures the safety of your home but also allows for the installation of more energy-efficient electrical systems.

Increasing Electrical Load Capacity and Outlet Functionality

Increasing the electrical load capacity of a home involves upgrading the service panel to a higher amp rating. This process may necessitate the replacement of the panel itself, as well as the meter and outdoor service line.

Additionally, more outlets can be added to meet the demands of modern appliances. It is essential to install additional outlets in strategic places to avoid overloading the existing ones. This solution not only eliminates the need for unsightly extension cords but also evenly distributes the electrical load, reducing the risk of circuit overload.

Adoption of a Modern Circuit Breaker System

Older homes may have outdated electrical panels that cannot support the power demands of modern appliances, such as HVAC systems. This upgrade provides enhanced protection and convenience, allowing for safer and more efficient electrical distribution throughout the home. Replacing the old fuse box with a circuit breaker panel also eliminates the need to replace fuses, making it easier to address electrical issues promptly.

Improvement of Lighting and Installation of Electrical Safety Devices

Inadequate lighting can be addressed by adding light fixtures or substituting existing ones with fixtures that yield superior illumination. The installation of electrical safety devices, such as ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) in areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms and kitchens, and arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) in bedrooms, can augment protection against electrical shocks and fires.

Installation and Retrofitting of Grounded Outlets

Ground outlets are designed to prevent deadly shocks by providing a grounding wire for excess electricity to flow through. In some cases, it may be possible to retrofit grounded outlets, which involves installing a grounding wire and replacing the outlet. This process ensures that electrical currents have a safe path to discharge, significantly reducing the risk of shocks and protecting sensitive electronics.

Replacement of Old Infrastructure and Enhancement of Earthing System

Old or damaged fuse boxes should be replaced with a modern electrical panel, a task that should strictly be carried out by a professional due to the involvement of high-amperage electrical lines. Similarly, inadequate earthing can be addressed by installing a new earthing system, a process that involves driving a long metal rod into the ground and connecting it to the home’s electrical system.

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The Risks of DIY Electrical Fixes in Older Homes

While it may be tempting for some homeowners to undertake do-it-yourself (DIY) fixes, it is crucial to understand that attempting to address these electrical issues without the necessary expertise can result in safety hazards or inadequate resolutions. Handling electrical work without the necessary expertise can lead to serious safety hazards, including electrocution and fires.

Considering the time and cost factors, DIY electrical fixes may initially seem cost-effective, but they can quickly become more expensive and time-consuming in the long run. Furthermore, attempting DIY electrical fixes can lead to property damage. Incorrect wiring connections, improper installations or overloaded circuits can cause electrical fires, damage appliances, and necessitate costly repairs.

Hiring a Professional Electrician

When encountering electrical problems in older homes, it is essential to call a professional electrician in Brisbane, especially in the following situations:

  • You are unsure about the safety of the electrical system in your older home.
  • The electrical problem is beyond your expertise or requires extensive rewiring.
  • You experience frequent electrical surges, flickering lights, or persistent circuit breaker tripping.
  • You plan to undertake major renovations that involve electrical work.

A professional residential electrician possesses the necessary skills to safely diagnose and rectify issues, ensuring adherence to local electrical codes. They can evaluate the home’s wiring, pinpoint problems, and suggest necessary upgrades or repairs. Furthermore, they can identify and address the underlying causes of common electrical symptoms, such as flickering lights or circuit breaker tripping. Handling these issues personally could exacerbate complications and pose safety risks.

Air Conditioner Installation in Waterford 

Welcome to Faze Electrical & Airconditioning, the premier provider of split system air conditioner installation in Waterford for both residential and commercial properties. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering top-quality air conditioning solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. We specialize in installing a wide range of split system air conditioners from leading brands such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Daikin, Fujitsu, Panasonic, and Haier.

Why Choose Faze Electrical & Airconditioning for Your Split System Installation in Waterford?

Local Expertise

Our deep understanding of Waterford’s climate and architecture ensures that we provide the most effective cooling solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our team has extensive experience in installing split system air conditioners in a variety of settings, from cozy homes to large commercial spaces. We understand the different requirements and challenges that come with each type of installation and are equipped to provide customized solutions.

Wide Range of Brands

We offer a diverse selection of split system air conditioners from renowned manufacturers, ensuring you find the perfect match for your comfort requirements and budget.

Quality Workmanship

Our team of certified technicians is committed to delivering the highest standards of workmanship, ensuring your system is installed correctly and operates efficiently.

Comprehensive Services

From initial consultation and installation to maintenance and repairs, Faze Electrical & Airconditioning is your one-stop-shop for all your air conditioning needs in Waterford. Faze Electrical & Airconditioning offers a full range of services, including consultation, installation, maintenance, and repair, for both residential and commercial air conditioning systems. Our commitment to customer satisfaction ensures that we provide the best possible service from start to finish.

Quality Assurance

We are dedicated to using only high-quality products and employing skilled technicians to ensure that every installation is completed to the highest standards. Our focus on quality and reliability has made us a trusted name in Waterford’s air conditioning industry.

Choosing the Right Split System Air Conditioner for Your Waterford Property

Assessing Your Space

Our experts will evaluate the size, layout, and insulation of your space to recommend the most suitable air conditioner that meets your cooling and heating demands.

Energy Efficiency

We prioritize energy-efficient models with high SEER ratings to help reduce your energy bills and minimize your environmental impact.

Advanced Features

Explore options with features such as programmable thermostats, smart controls, and air purification systems to enhance your indoor air quality and comfort.

Brand Reliability

Choose from trusted brands like Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Daikin, Fujitsu, Panasonic, and Haier for long-lasting performance and reliability.

Residential Air Conditioner Installation

For homeowners in Waterford, we offer a range of split system air conditioners that are designed to provide efficient cooling and heating while blending seamlessly into your home’s decor. Our team will help you choose the perfect unit based on the size of your rooms, your energy efficiency goals, and your budget.

Commercial Air Conditioner Installation

For commercial clients, we understand that reliable and efficient air conditioning is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and productive work environment. We offer robust split system air conditioners that can handle the demands of larger spaces, with features such as advanced climate control and energy-saving modes to keep operating costs in check.

The Installation Process in Waterford

Site Preparation

Our installation process begins with a thorough assessment of your property to determine the optimal placement of the indoor and outdoor units. We take into account factors such as room layout, sun exposure, and airflow to ensure maximum efficiency and comfort.

Indoor and Outdoor Unit Placement

We carefully select the optimal locations for the indoor and outdoor units, considering factors like airflow, aesthetics, and accessibility for maintenance.

Professional Installation

Our certified technicians will install your split system air conditioner with precision and care, adhering to all local building codes and manufacturer guidelines. We use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to ensure a seamless installation process.

System Testing and Calibration

After installation, we provide comprehensive support to ensure that your air conditioner is functioning correctly. Our team is available for any questions you may have and can provide ongoing maintenance services to keep your system running smoothly.

Maintaining Your Split System Air Conditioner in Waterford

Regular Cleaning

Keep your air conditioner running smoothly with regular cleaning of the filters and indoor unit, especially during the peak seasons in Waterford.

Seasonal Maintenance

Schedule split system cleans and servicing with Faze Electrical & Airconditioning to prepare your system for the changing weather conditions in Waterford.

Prompt Repairs

If you encounter any issues with your air conditioner, our team is ready to provide prompt and effective repairs to restore your comfort.

Our Selection of Top Brand Split System Air Conditioners

At Faze Electrical & Airconditioning, we understand the importance of quality and reliability when it comes to air conditioning. That’s why we offer a selection of split system air conditioners from some of the most trusted brands in the industry. Each brand offers unique features and benefits to meet your specific needs.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is renowned for its cutting-edge technology and energy-efficient systems. Their split system air conditioners are designed for durability and performance, providing consistent comfort with minimal environmental impact. With advanced features like quiet operation and precise temperature control, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries units are an excellent choice for both residential and commercial properties in Waterford.

Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric is another esteemed brand known for its innovative and high-quality air conditioning solutions. Their split system units are equipped with advanced features such as 3D i-see sensor technology, which adjusts the airflow based on the presence and position of people in the room, ensuring optimal comfort and energy efficiency. Mitsubishi Electric’s commitment to sustainability and performance makes their air conditioners a popular choice for homeowners and businesses alike.


Daikin is a global leader in air conditioning, known for its innovative designs and commitment to sustainability. Daikin’s split system air conditioners offer superior air quality, energy efficiency, and comfort. With a wide range of models to choose from, Daikin provides customizable solutions that can adapt to any space, ensuring optimal climate control for your home or business.


Haier is a leading global brand that offers a range of affordable and reliable split system air conditioners. Their units are designed with convenience and efficiency in mind, featuring easy-to-use controls and effective cooling and heating functions. Haier’s air conditioners are a great option for those looking for a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality.


For top quality Split System Air Conditioner Installation in Waterford, trust Faze Electrical & Airconditioning. Our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and expertise in leading brands like Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Daikin, Fujitsu, Panasonic, and Haier makes us the premier choice for all your air conditioning needs. Contact us today to experience unparalleled service and comfort in Waterford.

FAQs: Split System Air Conditioner Installation by Faze Electrical & Airconditioning

What is a split system air conditioner?

A split system air conditioner consists of two main components: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The indoor unit is installed inside the room or space to be cooled, while the outdoor unit is placed outside the building. These units are connected by refrigerant piping and electrical wiring. Split systems are popular for their efficiency, quiet operation, and ability to provide both cooling and heating.

How do I choose the right size air conditioner for my space?

The size of the air conditioner you need depends on several factors, including the size of the room, the number of windows, insulation quality, and the amount of heat generated by occupants and appliances. Our team at Faze Electrical & Airconditioning can conduct a thorough assessment of your space to recommend the most suitable size and model for your needs.

Can a split system air conditioner heat as well as cool?

Yes, many split system air conditioners are designed to provide both heating and cooling. These units are equipped with a heat pump function that allows them to reverse the cooling process and provide warmth during colder months. This makes them a versatile choice for year-round comfort in Waterford.

How long does it take to install a split system air conditioner?

The installation time for a split system air conditioner can vary depending on the complexity of the job. Typically, a standard installation can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. Our team at Faze Electrical & Airconditioning will provide you with a more accurate estimate based on your specific installation requirements.

How often should I have my split system air conditioner serviced?

To ensure optimal performance and longevity, we recommend having your split system air conditioner serviced annually. Regular maintenance can help prevent potential issues, improve energy efficiency, and ensure that your unit continues to operate effectively.

Can I install a split system air conditioner myself?

While it may be tempting to install a split system air conditioner yourself, we strongly advise against it. Professional installation is crucial for ensuring that the unit operates safely and efficiently. Improper installation can lead to poor performance, increased energy consumption, and even safety hazards. Our certified technicians at Faze Electrical & Airconditioning have the expertise to ensure that your installation is done correctly and in compliance with all local codes and regulations.

How can I contact Faze Electrical & Airconditioning for installation or service?

You can contact us by phone, email, or through our website to schedule a consultation or service appointment. Our friendly team is here to assist you with all your air conditioning needs in Waterford.

Airconditioner Installation

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